This article will outline how you can access the software called GamePlan.
Please note, that we no longer offer technical support or product updates on this software as it is now older and replaced with Strategize and GrowthEquation.
If there is specific features you need, please contact to assist.
Current Version
Each year, we update the expiry date for the software to expire at the end of the year.
The current release will expire on 31st Dec 2021.
If you need a version after this date, please contact to assist.
Downloading GamePlan
You can get access to GamePlan by clicking here.
In order to allow GamePlan to run, you will need an older version of Excel that is running the 32-bit version. Not the 64-bit version that comes with the most recent versions of Office (including 365). We recommend installing this on a machine that you are not actively using.
In the case that you do not have a system with the 32-bit version, here are the steps for installing 32-bit office instead of 64 bit:
To change from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version or vice versa, you need to uninstall Office first (including any stand-alone Office apps you have such as Project or Visio). Once the uninstall is complete, sign in again to and select Other install options, choose the language and version you want (64 or 32-bit), and then select Install. (See Install Visio or Install Project if you need to reinstall those stand-alone apps.)
Once you have the computer for GamePlan set up, go ahead and install GamePlan from the downloaded link.
Running GamePlan
Navigate to your installed folder (it could be C:\Program Files (x86)\GamePlan2021) and run the file called GamePlan.xls.
Step by Step Instructions
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