This article outlines how you can make a Social Media post promoting the articles included as part of your Newsletter. This will allow you to reach a broader audience and engage with more prospective clients.
Navigating to Your Article
1. Login into and navigate to MarketingHub.
2. Access the My Blog to be taken to your list of published articles.
3. Access the Article you wish to promote by clicking on the View Full Post button.
Posting the Article to Social Media AND Including a Promotional Message
1. Ensure you are on the correct Article you would like to promote.
2. Looking at the top right-hand side of the article, you will find it's social media links (picture below)
3. By clicking on any of the social media links you will be prompted to log in to your respective social media account.
4. After completing your login, you will be given the ability to add some additional text which will appear on your social media platform. There will also be a link to the article comprised of the Article image and its' summary text.
5. Once satisfied, click the applicable post / save / confirmation button for your chosen social media platform.
Please refer to our other Knowledge Base Articles if you need assistance on creating, adjusting or publishing your Article.
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