This article outlines the recommended data sets that should be used and imported into by Field.
Choosing a Country
Please check the Countries tab within the optional CSV file you can download in or you may type one of the Countries available below. A reminder, to ensure data integrity any inconsistent spelling will not be imported.
Afghanistan | Costa Rica | Iran | Namibia | Slovenia |
Albania | Croatia | Iraq | Nauru | Solomon Islands |
Algeria | Cuba | Ireland | Nepal | Somalia |
Andorra | Cyprus | Israel | Netherlands | South Africa |
Anla | Czech Republic | Italy | New Zealand | South Korea |
Antigua and Barbuda | Denmark | Ivory Coast | Nicaragua | South Sudan |
Argentina | Djibouti | Jamaica | Niger | Spain |
Armenia | Dominica | Japan | Nigeria | Sri Lanka |
Aruba | Dominican Republic | Jordan | Niue | Sudan |
Australia | Democratic Republic of Congo | Kazakhstan | North Korea | Suriname |
Austria | East Timor | Kenya | Northern Island | Swaziland |
Azerbaijan | Ecuador | Kiribati | Norway | Sweden |
The Bahamas | Egypt | Kuwait | Oman | Switzerland |
Bahrain | El Salvador | Kyrgyzstan | Pakistan | Syria |
Bangladesh | England | Laos | Palau | Taiwan |
Barbados | Equatorial Guinea | Latvia | Panama | Tajikistan |
Belarus | Eritrea | Lebanon | Papua New Guinea | Tanzania |
Belgium | Estonia | Lesotho | Paraguay | Thailand |
Belize | Ethiopia | Liberia | Peru | To |
Benin | Fiji | Libya | Philippines | Tonga |
Bermuda | Finland | Liechtenstein | Poland | Trinidad and Toba |
Bhutan | France | Lithuania | Portugal | Tunisia |
Bolivia | Gabon | Luxembourg | Qatar | Turkey |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | The Gambia | Macedonia | Romania | Turkmenistan |
Botswana | Georgia | Madagascar | Russia | Tuvalu |
Brazil | Germany | Malawi | Rwanda | Uganda |
Brunei | Ghana | Malaysia | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Ukraine |
Bulgaria | Greece | Maldives | Saint Lucia | United Arab Emirates |
Burkina Faso | Grenada | Mali | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | United States of America |
Burundi | Guatemala | Malta | Samoa | Uruguay |
Cambodia | Guinea | Marshall Islands | San Marino | Uzbekistan |
Cameroon | Guinea-Bissau | Mauritania | São Tomé and Príncipe | Vanuatu |
Canada | Guyana | Mauritius | Saudi Arabia | Vatican City |
Cape Verde | Haiti | Mexico | Scotland | Venezuela |
Central African Republic | Honduras | Federated States of Micronesia | Senegal | Vietnam |
Chad | Hungary | Moldova | Scotland | Wales |
Chile | Haiti | Monaco | Senegal | Yemen |
China | Honduras | Mongolia | Serbia | Zambia |
Cook Islands | Hungary | Montenegro | Seychelles | Zimbabwe |
Colombia | Iceland | Morocco | Sierra Leone | |
Comoros | India | Mozambique | Singapore | |
Republic of the Congo | Indonesia | Myanmar | Slovakia |
Selecting a State (Australian users only)
Another option is bulk loading the State of your Contacts if they live in Australia. You may load multiple contacts using the CSV file available for download in or you can type one of the State codes available below. A reminder that to ensure data integrity, any inconsistent spelling will not be imported
NSW | New South Wales |
Qld | Queensland |
SA | South Australia |
Tas | Tasmania |
Vic | Victoria |
WA | Western Australia |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
NT | Northern Territory |
Selecting a State (USA users only)
Another option is bulk loading the State of your Contacts if they live in the United States of America. You may load multiple contacts using the CSV file available for download in or you may define new users individually by typing one of the State codes available below. To ensure data integrity, any inconsistent spelling will not be imported.
AL | Alabama | LA | Louisiana | OH | Ohio |
AK | Alaska | ME | Maine | OK | Oklahoma |
AZ | Arizona | MD | Maryland | OR | Oregon |
AR | Arkansas | MA | Massachusetts | PA | Pennsylvania |
CA | California | MI | Michigan | RI | Rhode Island |
CO | Colorado | MN | Minnesota | SC | South Carolina |
CT | Connecticut | MS | Mississippi | SD | South Dakota |
DE | Delaware | MO | Missouri | TN | Tennessee |
FL | Florida | MT | Montana | TX | Texas |
GA | Georgia | NE | Nebraska | UT | Utah |
HI | Hawaii | NV | Nevada | VT | Vermont |
ID | Idaho | NH | New Hampshire | VA | Virginia |
IL | Illinois | NJ | New Jersey | WA | Washington |
IN | Indiana | NM | New Mexico | WV | West Virginia |
IA | Iowa | NY | New York | WI | Wisconsin |
KS | Kansas | NY | New York | WY | Wyoming |
KY | Kentucky | NC | North Carolina | ||
LA | Louisiana | ND | North Dakota |
Selecting an Industry for each client can assist with targeted emails or market analysis. You may choose to define the type of industry of your Contact when bulk importing clients using the CSV file available for download within or you may define each client's industry one-by-one. Industry choices available are:
Agriculture, forestry and fishing | Manufacturing | Services - administrative and support |
Arts and entertainment | Media and publishing | Services - other |
Automotive | Mining | Services - personal |
Construction | Media and publishing | Services - professional |
Education and training | Mining | Social assistance |
Finance and Insurance | Other | Telecommunications |
Government | Real Estate | Tourism and accommodation |
Health care | Restaurants and hospitality | Transportation and logistics |
Import and/or wholesale | Retail - consumer goods | Utilities |
Information technology | Retail - food and beverage | Waste Management |
Manufacturing | Retail - other |
Relationship Type
It's important to define the type of relationship your Contact has with your organisation to ensure accurate reporting and clear understanding for other users. Again, you may do this by defining the type of relationship your Contact has with your organisation when bulk importing clients using the CSV file available for download within Alternatively, you can define each client's relationship one-by-one based on these choices available:
Prospect | Employee |
Acquaintance | Manager |
Associate | Other |
Client | Owner |
Contractor | Personal |
Director | Supplier |
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